adverse pressure




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1·The results indicate that passive control technique can reduce peak Mach number on the surface of the airfoil and reduce the adverse pressure gradient, shock is also weakened.
2·It is shown that the "damping" effect mainly exists in the zone of 0.5d from the impingement wall, and there are positive as well as adverse pressure gradient in the radial direction.
表明壁面的“阻尼”影响主要集中在近壁面0 . 5 D以内,在径向上流动既有顺压梯度,又有逆压梯度。
3·In zero pressure gradient flow, this local momentum loss is Minost an additive constant quantity. On the other hand, adverse pressure gradient results in amplification of this momentum loss.
4·The high head produced by the impeller means high adverse pressure gradient within blade passage and because of this the flow often separates from the blade surfaces even at the design point.
5·“When you reduce salt, ” Dr. Alderman said, “you reduce blood pressure, but there can also be other adverse and unintended consequences.
6·Do you think, under pressure in the outside, still faces the indoor environment after home of oppressive feeling, for a long time like this is very adverse to human body.
7·Threats on(Adverse effects of)independence include self-interest, self-review, advocacy, familiarity and intimidation(external pressure).
8·Considering adverse effect of rainfall on slope's stability, it analyses the change of safe coefficient after cohesive strength of talus slides reducing under the effect of pore water pressure.
9·The Dutch winger scored twice for his nation as they drew 2-2 with Germany, but states that the pressure of performing at Chelsea has an adverse effect.
荷兰边锋在荷兰2 - 2战平德国的比赛中两度破门,但他声称在切尔西的压力对球员有反作用。
10·This preparation has been shown to have a placebo-like tolerability while being very effective in lowering both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and having no adverse metabolic effect.
更新时间:2025-04-01 06:16